
Our volunteers were involved passionately alongside governments, United Nations' related organizations and charitable organizations. They worked in rare situations of extreme social injustice, warfare and in the aftermath of natural disasters, etc. where human values were not respected, based on the human rights to which they are entitled under the UN Convention on the Human Rights.

Our first activity dated back to August 1988, when one of our members worked for UN/UNICEF inter-organization monitoring group, as volunteer photographer and cameraman. Twenty-eight years passed since our volunteers, our unknown guardian angels starting without any expectations, offering our services generously with passionate heart and inspired soul, collaborating with other humanitarian organizations wherever our help needed.

Caritamo Foundation was founded legally in 2016 whose goals are both here at home and overseas. Our mission continues in different direction, building caring communities by connecting volunteers and our community together and for the causes that need them. Our heart is fulfilled with enormous passion and love, supporting children and families to serve better in a society for creating a better world for future generations.

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